Affirmation Backpack Tags by Helen Cassara of the UU Church of Tallahassee
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I find details of my payments to LREDA?
Once you've made a payment using our new system, you will be able to create an Aplos account. Log in to your Aplos account to see your payments and download a contribution statement. If you need assistance, email Juliet at finance@lreda.org and she'll be happy to help you.
An important note about your Aplos account:
To see ALL your contributions to LREDA, log into your Aplos account HERE and navigate to the 'Contribution Statements' section. Due to the way Aplos records their transactions not all of your donations will appear in the donations section however they will appear in the Contributions Statements section.
To download a contribution statement go to the 'Contribution Statements' section and click on the three vertical dots on the right side of the screen. Select the “Download Detailed” section to see a list of all your payments.
How do I pay my membership dues?
Go to www.lreda.org/membership to pay your dues.How do I find support nearby?
LREDA Chapters function as separate entities with their own leadership structure, support systems, and dues structure. It is in LREDA's fifteen chapters where religious educators most often meet and support one another through the day-to-day joys and challenges of the work. Find your chapter here.
I am having an issue in my congregation and need professional support.
Good Officers are LREDA members who have engaged in specialized training to address the particular challenges which face religious educators and those engaged in Unitarian Universalist ministries, including issues that can arise within staff teams. Good Officers consult with religious educators, especially those in congregational settings, to offer clarity, support, and guidance. Good Officers can be found throughout the continent. Find out more about the Good Offices Program, including a list of current Good Officers who are ready to help.
Are there professional practices that LREDA members are expected to uphold?
Our congregation is searching for a religious educator. Are there guidelines? And can LREDA help us find a good candidate?
Go to https://www.lreda.org/PostJobs to find guidelines and best practices and to learn how LREDA can help advertise your position.
As a religious educator of color where can I find support?
Religious educators of color are invited to attend the annual Finding our Way Home Retreat for religious professionals of color.
There is a Religious Professionals of Color Facebook Group, contact Aisha Hauser or Christina Rivera to join.
LREDA provides scholarships for professional development with priority given to people of color or other marginalized identities. We offer Scholarships to take Renaissance Modules, Scholarships for Credentialing and Scholarships to attend our annual Fall Conference.
Attend our BIPOC Religious Educator gathering at our Fall Conference. This is a free event on Wednesday Oct 12th from 1:30-5:00, register to attend as part of the main Fall Conference registration.
The UUA offers scholarships to help religious professionals attend General Assembly, with priority given to Religious professionals of color or others with marginalized identities.
As a LREDA Member am I a delegate for General Assembly?
To be a delegate for General Assembly you need to be a full active member of LREDA with up to date dues AND employed by a UU Congregation. Student / New or Supportive Members can't be delegates. Life members can be delegates if they are employed by a congregation or have been given an emeritus status by their congregation more than 6 months before GA. For more information on delegate status see the UUA Bylaws, delegate information is on page 3.
Does LREDA have honoraria guidance for members speaking or facilitating?
LREDA recommends that members use the UUMA Scale of Fees for Professional Services when asked to perform work on an ad hoc basis.
Does LREDA offer financial support?
LREDA has various funds to help support its members. We offer scholarships to support members in credentialing, scholarships to support members taking Renaissance Modules, and scholarships to attend Fall Conference.
We have a newly created Cares fund to support members with non professional support. On a case by case basis, the Cares Fund can be used for reduced rates for dues or personal/health support and may not exceed $500 per case. Please reach out by email to any LREDA Board member if you are in need.
Are there shared resources I can access to support me in my work as a religious educator?
A member's only resources portal launched in September 2022. It contain resources freely shared by LREDA Members including Times for All Ages, Worship Services, Sample Forms, and Curricula. Find out more HERE
You can also find and request resources in our LREDA Member Facebook group or on the LREDA Listserv
'Aisha Selfies' from Widening the Circle, our 2020 virtual Fall Conference