Jenga Blocks for deep sharing, courtesy of Joy Berry
All our Committees are composed of volunteers. If you are a LREDA member and interested in serving on a committee, please let us know by contacting Juliet or one of the volunteers listed under the particular committee
Click here for our expense reimbursement form.
Please use this form when you write your committee report to the Board.

Nominating Committee
The Nominating committee consists of five to six members with staggered three-year terms, elected by the membership.
They work independently of the Board to fill Board vacancies, assessing needs and various criteria in the nominating process.
Additionally, they help to fill committee positions by asking for and referring names to the Vice President of the Board.
The Committee consists of:
- Adrienne Summerlot
- Sara Phinney Kelley
- Carson Jones
- Jenn Blosser
- Jil Novenski
- Corinna Whiteaker-Lewis
Contact them at
To apply for a Board or Committee position use this Application Form
Use the LREDA Nom Com Glow-Up Form to recommend yourself or others to LREDA board or committee positions.

LREDA Committee on Mentoring
The LREDA Committee on Mentoring (LCOM) is a committee of the Liberal Religious Educator’s Association Board (LREDA).
What Does the LREDA Committee on Mentoring Do?
LCOM is responsible for:
- Serving as LREDA’s institutional presence in the UUA’s Religious Education Credentialing program;
- Working with the UUA’s Religious Education Credentialing Committee (including the LREDA Representative to the RECC) and the UUA’s Professional Development Programs Manager (PDPM) to set requirements, rules, policies, and practices around Mentoring for credentialing;
- Matching credentialing candidates with credentialed mentors;
- Providing training for mentors;
- Evaluating the mentoring component, and with the RECC and the PDPM, make any necessary changes.
For more information contact
Relevant Links

Resources for Mentors
LREDA Credentialing Mentor Drop-in Sessions
Restarting in September, 2024
LCOM members are:

Jenga blocks by Joy Berry