A Guide for New Members

Welcome to LREDA. We hope that through your membership you will find support, collegiality, and resources to do the life changing work of faith development.

This page is to help you orient yourself to LREDA and its community. 


Our financial year runs from July to June. Invoices are sent out in June ready for the next year so that you can use up any current professional expenses. You have until Dec 31st to renew your membership for the current year. If you join LREDA after March 1st your membership for the next year will also be covered in your initial payment.

LREDA has several different membership categories to ensure everyone can join at a level that is right for them. Find out more HERE.

We offer reduced or waived dues for those with limited income or professional expenses. Email Juliet (admin@lreda.org) to request this.

Student / New ($65) - this option is for religious educators who have been a religious educator for less than 3 years. Student / New members can now vote at the LREDA annual meeting (held in mid June) when we approve the budget for the year and elect new board and committee members. New / Student members can be on a committee, but can't be on the board or a committee chair.

New / Student members can't be delegates at the UUA's General Assembly (See below for more information about General Assembly)

Active ($220, reduced rate $150) - for those who have been religious educators for more than 3 years, or have completed more than 5 renaissance modules, or are credentialed. Active members can act as delegates and vote at GA, and can be on the board and chair committees.

Supportive ($120) - this category is for those who wish to support LREDA. This category may suit an RE Committee chair, those working in related fields, or UUA employees. 

They can attend and speak at LREDA meetings and serve on committees; but may not vote or serve as LREDA Board members or committee chairpersons. Supportive members cannot act as delegates at General Assembly.

Friends (suggested donation $25) - This is for folks who wish to support LREDA. They don't have any voting rights or access to member resources.

Life (suggested donation $40) - this category is for retired members of LREDA. You need to have been an active member for more than ten years and over 62 to qualify. Life members retain full rights and privileges.

This is a very brief summary of the main membership categories. Find out more HERE

About Voting at General Assembly:

GA is the annual assembly of the UUA and its member congregations, where policy and procedural decisions are made. Each congregation has a certain number of delegates who can vote on proposals and ministers serving congregations also have a vote. 

In 2018,  Active LREDA members serving in congregations were allowed to be delegates and vote at General Assembly. However Student / New and Supportive Members cannot vote, you have to be an Active Member. If you are a Student / New Member and would like to vote at GA, consider asking your congregation if you can have one of the congregational delegate votes.

Where do I find support?

LREDA Portal: All LREDA members (with the exception of friends) have access to our Portal, with a directory, events, announcements, library, discussion forum and chapter and affinity groups. This is a covenanted space so you are asked to not share information outside of this group. We welcome resources to share in the library.

Facebook Group: All LREDA members (with the exception of friends) have access to our private LREDA Facebook group. This is a covenanted space so you are asked to not share information outside of this group. 

There is a Religious Professionals of Color Facebook Group, contact Aisha Hauser or Christina Rivera to join.

Chapters: LREDA has geographic chapters where you can find local area colleagues. In the future, we also have two identity based chapters: Life and IBPOC Members.

Good Officers: LREDA has specially trained colleagues who can assist you with issues that may come up in your work. Go HERE for more information. Call early and often if issues arise, they are there to support you.

Find out more about support from the UUA, on the Professional Religious Education Leadership page. 

The UU Institute offers an online course called for Settling In for new and newer religious educators.

Does LREDA offer financial support?

LREDA has various funds to help support its members. 

We offer scholarships to support members in credentialing, scholarships to support members taking Sparks Modules, and scholarships to attend Fall Conference.

 We have a newly created CARES fund to support members with non professional support. On a case by case basis, the CARES Fund can be used for reduced rates for dues or personal/health support and may not exceed $500 per case. Please reach out by email to any LREDA Board member if you are in need.

What events does LREDA host?

LREDA hosts an annual Fall Conference in mid October, both in-person and online. Conferences generally begin on the Wednesday evening and run through to the Sunday lunchtime. We generally offer a special welcome event on the Wednesday evening for those attending for the first time. Find out more about this year's Fall Conference HERE. We offer scholarships for those with limited professional funds.

LREDA attends the UUA's General Assembly and funds the Fahs lecture, an annual lecture directly relevant to Religious Educators. If you attend GA come and find us at our booth in the exhibit hall. We also host a Professional Day, generally on the Wednesday before GA starts, where we invite a speaker and have collegial time together.

What about Training and Resources?

Spark Modules: LREDA provides its members with training through Spark Modules which can be taken either online or in-person and cover a variety of topics to support you in your work. Find out more about upcoming Renaissance Modules HERE. LREDA offers scholarships to cover 50% of the cost if you apply HERE.

Credentialing: Once you are employed as a religious educator you can  join the UUA's credentialing program designed especially for Religious Educators. To support you through the program, the LREDA Committee on Mentoring will match you with an experienced religious educator to act as a mentor.  Go HERE to find out more about credentialing  or email Sarah Gettie McNeil, the UUA's Professional Development Programs Manager.

LREDA Resources Portal: In September 2022, we launched a member-only resources portal where you can find sample policies, times for all ages, curriculum and information to support you in your work as a religious educator. The resources in this portal have been freely shared by religious educators and we encourage members to contribute. To find out how to access the site go HERE. You'll receive access along with your welcome email when you first pay dues.

How can I get involved?

LREDA relies on its members for support.  

Reach out to the LREDA Nominating Committee, if you're interested in joining a committee or task force.

We rely on our members to make our in-person and online Fall Conference happen. If you'd like to help reach, out to our board member responsible for Fall Con, Courtney McKenny. Lots of different roles available. 

Join in the conversations on our LREDA Facebook group or share useful resources in our New LREDA Member Resources Site.