Local LREDA chapters facilitate connection, community, and educational opportunities within geographic proximity. It is in LREDA's fifteen chapters where religious educators most often meet and support one another through the day-to-day joys and challenges of the work. Chapters are fiscally independent of Continental LREDA and membership in Continental LREDA is required for individual members of each chapter. Central Midwest - not currently active
States & Provinces: Illinois, Missouri, & most of Wisconsin.
Regions Covered: all of Canada. Email the chapter leads.
Regions Covered: Michigan, Indiana, & Kentucky. Email the chapter leads.  Heartland LREDA Chapter retreat 2019
Life Members Chapter To connect retired LREDA Members. Find out more Here Joseph Priestley
States & Provinces: Southern New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Washington DC, northern Virginia, & eastern Pennsylvania. Regions covered: Two groups: DSAREC (Eastern PA, Southern NJ, & Delaware) and GWAREC (Maryland, DC, & Northern Virginia). To join or renew your membership to the Joseph Priestley Chapter, please click here. Email the chapter leads.
Regions covered: parts of New York state, Central and Northern New Jersey, parts of Pennsylvania, & southwestern corner of Connecticut. To join or renew your membership to the Metro NY Chapter, please click here. Email the chapter leads.
States & Provinces: Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico. Email the chapter leads.
States & Provinces: Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, & Connecticut.
Regions covered: Ohio, West Virginia, part of Pennsylvania, & part of New York. Email the chapter leads. Donate or pay Ohio Meadville chapter dues here. Chapter Covenant and Chapter Events.
Regions covered: Northern half of California, Nevada, & Hawaii. Email the chapter leads.
States & Provinces: Washington, Oregon, part of Idaho, Alaska, & British Columbia. Regions covered: British Columbia Region CUC & Pacific Northwest.
Regions covered: Arizona, southern half of California, & part of Nevada.
Prairie Star Contact prairiestar@lreda.org for more information The chapter meets 3rd Thursdays at 1:30 Central over Zoom. Regions covered: Minnesota, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, part of Kansas, Wisconsin, & Nebraska. Regions covered: St. Lawrence District, Central & Eastern Regions CUC. Email the chapter leads.
States & Provinces: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, portions of Tennessee, & Virginia. Email the chapter leads.
States & Provinces: Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, parts of southwestern Missouri, & western Tennessee (Memphis area). Email the chapter leads.