
Celebrating a newly credentialed religious educator

Members of the 2022-23 RECC: Art Nava, Sara Lewis, Emily Gage, Sarah Gettie McNeill (UUA Staff), Bob Renjilian, Mia Morse, and Patti Withers
Religious Education CredentialingReligious Education Credentialing is a UUA program that recognizes religious education as a profession and supports religious educators. By documenting education and work experience, a religious educator is awarded a credential in one of three levels: Skilled, Advanced and Leadership. Note, these were formerly called: Associate, Credentialed, and Master.) The Religious Education Credentialing Committee (RECC) oversees the credentialing process. Rev. Claudia Jiménez is the LREDA representative on the RECC. See a List of current credentialed religious educators here. This program provides a comprehensive path towards professionalism and a deeper understanding of our Unitarian Universalist values. Those receiving a credential realize and accept leadership in religious education and an understanding of professional standards. For more information about the program (including how to get started) visit the UUA's website. ScholarshipsCredentialing Scholarship applications can be made at any time. Applications will be reviewed once received, you should get a response within one week of applying. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU READ our scholarship priority and policies BEFORE you fill out the application. Use this Reimbursement Form to claim funds already awarded. Donate to our Scholarship Fund The UUA also offers scholarships for continuing education. Find out more HERE MentorsThe LREDA Committee on Mentoring, among other work, trains and matches mentors who hold required monthly meetings with the credentialing candidates. These relationships are an invaluable part of the process of discerning one's call to religious education, both by the Candidate for Credentialing and the Mentor. If you are a credentialed religious educator and wish to serve as a Mentor, please find the application here. Celebrating Credentialed Religious EducatorsRecognizing what an accomplishment receiving a credential is, each newly credentialed religious educator is honored annually during the LREDA Fall Conference. In addition, every attempt is made to honor the newly credentialed in their home congregation, with greetings and a gift from LREDA. LREDA also provided a grant to Sara Cloe, Credentialed Religious Educator, to create worship services (with homilies, responsive readings and liturgies) for congregations: Services of Celebration for a Newly Credentialed Religious Educator |
New Titles for Credentialing Levels
- formerly Associate = Skilled
- formerly Credentialed = Advanced
- formerly Master = Leadership
So someone will now be a Credentialed Religious Educator - Skilled Level; Credentialed Religious Educator - Advanced Level; Credentialed Religious Educator - Leadership Level.

The new Credentialed Religious Educator pin for 2022