best practices

LREDA Sabbatical Handbook
LREDA Congregational Guide to Professional Expenses for Religious Educators
The UUA recommends that professional expense allowances should be the greater of $5000 (pro-rated for part-time) or 10% of salary.
GuideHonoraria Guidance for members performing work on an ad hoc basis
LREDA recommends that members use the UUMA Scale of Fees for Professional Services when asked to perform work on an ad hoc basis.
Delegate information for LREDA Members
To be a delegate for General Assembly you need to be a full active member of LREDA with up to date dues AND employed by a UU Congregation. Student and New Members can't be delegates. Life members can be delegates if they are employed by a congregation or have been given an emeritus status by their congregation more than 6 months before GA. For more information on delegate status see the UUA Bylaws, delegate information is on page 3.
