Southeast chapter
Supporting Religious Educators in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, portions of Tennessee, & Virginia.
Southeast Chapter
The Southeast chapter of LREDA is a lovely group of professional Religious Educators from Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, portions of Tennessee, & Virginia. If that is you, you are in the right place.

Annual chapter dues are $40 per year and the chapter is open to anyone who is a member of the national LREDA organization.
join the se lreda chapter hereTo pay dues use one of the buttons below, or send a check made payable to LREDA, with "Southeast Dues" and your name in the memo line to LREDA, 284 Hartford Ave, #1002, Bellingham, MA, 02019.
We also accept payments via Venmo. Use @LREDA-org. Look for the LREDA flame to ensure you have the correct link and add a note with your name and 'Southeast Dues'
Zeffy doesn't charge credit card fees for non-profits
- President: Laura Beth Brown
- Secretary: Judith Stein-Farrall
- Vice President: Karen Gonzalez
- Treasurer: Marion Hirsch
Contact the chapter leaders using

Join the se lreda facebook groupMission Statement
The purpose of the Southeast LREDA Chapter shall be: to promote the religious growth and learning of people of all ages; support and encourage the growth of religious educators; and enhance the field of religious education within the areas previously known as the MidSouth, Southeast, and Florida Districts.