membership benefits
The benefits of LREDA membership are many, both for the religious educator and for the congregation served. Here are just a few of those benefits:
- Fellowship of colleagues who share your professional vision
- Local LREDA Chapter membership, both here on and—when available—in person
- Continuing education and opportunities for professional growth and renewal: Annual Fall Conference, Pre-GA Professional Day, and the Sophia Lyon Fahs Lecture at GA. Registration fees are discounted for members.
- Financial Aid is available for members to attend our Fall Conference, take Renaissance Modules, and assist with the cost of the Religious Education Credentialing Program
- Continental leadership opportunities
- Advocacy for the profession of religious education through Good Offices Support, Representation on the Council of Church Staff Finance, and the LREDA UUA Board Observer
- Professional Standards and Guidelines
- Participation in special Task Forces and Interest Groups
- Access to newsletters and informational e-mailings with updates on topics of interest
- Access to the members-only area of, and LREDA-L, an e-mail list serve where members can discuss professional issues
- Access to LREDA LARGE membership (for those serving Large RE Programs) and LREDA Small (for those serving small congregations)
- Various publications of use to religious education professionals
Our membership year is from July 1 to June 30. Members joining or renewing after April 1 will receive membership for the next year.
Members who have not renewed by December 1 will be lapsed.

Crochet Chalices by Mary Carter-Vail