good offices
Photos courtesy of Tuli Patel
Good Officers are LREDA members who have engaged in specialized training to address the particular challenges which face religious educators and those engaged in Unitarian Universalist ministries, including that arise within staff teams.
Good Officers consult with religious educators, especially those in congregational settings, to offer clarity, support, and guidance. Good Officers can be found throughout the continent. Call early and often if issues arise.
Application & Process for New Good Officers
Good Offices Program Description
Religious educators have specific needs if they are to function well as religious professionals and to integrate that role with a healthy personal life. Members of the congregation come to them with personal problems; it is not appropriate to take their problems to the congregation. Religious educators need the support of each other and, at times, some special support. LREDA Good Officers can help provide this support. Good Officers are available in most Unitarian Universalist districts around the continent. Any one of these people is available to help.
A LREDA member may select a particular Good Officer because of proximity, acquaintance, or their particular personal experience as a religious educator. The role of these Good Officers is to help LREDA members with professional problems and concerns. The LREDA Board appoints and supports training for the Good Officers upon recommendation from the Board member for Professional Support, Lauren Strauss.
To contact a LREDA Good Officer, log-in to the LREDA Portal, and search for the Good Officers Page.
Access to a LREDA Good Officer is a perk of LREDA Membership
The above link contains resources for LREDA Good Officers or those considering becoming a Good Officer. If you would like access, email Juliet