southwest lreda chapter

Supporting religious educators in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, western Tennessee (Memphis area) and southern Missouri

SW LREDA Spring Gathering 

The SW Chapter is gathering this Spring. To pay for your accommodation, use one of these options:

  • Aplos
  • PayPal
  • Venmo - Use @LREDA-org. Look for the LREDA flame to ensure you have the correct link. Add a note.
  • Check -mail it to Liberal Religious Educators Association, 284 Hartford Ave, #1002, Bellingham, MA, 02019.
  • Email Juliet to request an invoice

Photo from the last SW Chapter gathering

Chapter Dues - $40 per year

Note: To join a Chapter you must first be a member of LREDA.

If you'd like to pay by check, mail it to: Liberal Religious Educators Association, 284 Hartford Ave, #1002, Bellingham, MA, 02019.

Please make the check out to LREDA and write the name of the Religious Educator and SW LREDA Dues in the memo section.

Chapter Leaders

  • Co- Chair: Kelly Stokes, First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin
  • Co- Chair: Gay Lynn Pierce, Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Church
  • Treasurer: Nicci Kennedy, Westside UU Church, Fortworth
  • Secretary: Allison Faber, Unitarian Universalist Church of the Brazos Valley

Contact the Chapter Leaders using

Clusters & Connections

SW LREDA supports clusters in the following areas:
  • North Texas (Dallas-Fort Worth area) contact Lauren Daniell
  • Heart-of-Texas (Austin-San Antonio - Texas Gulf Coast) contact Kelly Stokes
  • Houston Area Religious Educators (H.A.R.E.) contact: Carol Burrus
  • Memphis area contact: TBA

We meet via Zoom on the first Thursday of the month from 1:00-3:00 CST to connect with each other and discuss special topics.

For more information contact your Chapter Leaders at

Stay in touch

Here are some ways for SW members to stay in touch:

southwest lreda email list
SWUUC-RE listserv
Southwest Religious Educators' Facebook page


SW Chapter Members further the mission of LREDA by supporting, encouraging, and collaborating with one another.


Claiming Expenses:

Use this FORM to claim Chapter expenses for reimbursement. Once completed email it to the Chapter Treasurer / President for approval.